Sunday School blogging: Can God Fix This?

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Dan Paden, on the badly misnamed No Blog of Significance, has posted notes from the latest lesson from the Sunday School class he teaches at Sheridan Road Baptist Church here in Tulsa: "Can God Fix This?" The lesson focuses on Hosea 14 and is a follow-up to last week's lesson, "Does God Want Me Back?"

Having plenty of blown opportunities and damaged relationships to my credit (or debit, I should say), this lesson piqued my interest. From the introduction:

Maybe you've broken things in your life that don't seem so easy to fix. Maybe you've broken hearts; maybe you've wrecked your financial future; maybe you've wrecked your health, or maybe destroyed your witness. Maybe you've broken things that can't be fixed with a little rubber hose. Is there any hope at all that your mess can be cleaned up?

You'll have to read the whole thing to find the answer.

Dan also has a post about Calvinists and Arminians, asking if anyone really takes credit for his own salvation. He discovers that J. I. Packer made the same point in his book Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, a book I recently re-read. In the same post, he mentions that he has discovered a used bookshop with "a remarkable number of theological books," a shop he does not name. Dan (as if I didn't already have enough books, but anyway), I charge you to tell us where to find this treasure trove!

UPDATE: In the comments, Dan says it's the bookstore next to the dollar theater in the Fontana Shopping Center. That's Quicksilver Books, at the northwest corner of Fontana Shopping Center, off of 49th Street west of Memorial Drive.


Dan Paden said:

I certainly appreciate the many kind words. I can't remember the name of the shop in question, but it is located in the Fontana shopping center, just to the west of the dollar theater--the name of which I can't remember either.

I can't recall a used bookseller having quite the number of theological books this one does. Usually, if I am looking for books, I do look for used first, but usually through Amazon's used books service. But we just happened to stumble onto this place, and I had about twenty minutes to peruse their selection. I could have very easily spent a hundred bucks, but I managed to hold myself to about twenty.

Dan, that's Quicksilver Books, right on the northwest corner of Fontana. I'd noticed it -- I sometimes pass it in the mornings, but never when it's been open. That's good to know.

It's out of town a ways, but there's a great bookstore for theological works just off of I-44 on Glenstone in Springfield, Missouri. It's called ABC Books.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on March 1, 2005 10:09 PM.

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