$25 / month WiFi in Midtown?

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That's the promise, for an area that will eventually cover 72 square miles. G. W. Schulz has the scoop on for-profit wide-area WiFi for Tulsa in this week's Urban Tulsa Weekly.

That could be a good deal, if some sort of roaming privileges come with it. With SBC DSL, you have access to the dialup network as a backup, or when traveling, and for an extra $2 a month, you can connect at WiFi-equipped McDonald's, Barnes and Noble bookstores, and UPS Stores. If you're tethered to the home area, you're losing one of the advantages of wireless computing.

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» WiFi from Don Singleton

“It’s less than most broadbands.” But also a LOT slower than most broadbands. Read More


Shadow6 said:

Funny you should bring this up. I just bought a Palm Zire 72 with a Wi-Fi card, and have been messing around with it this week.

Are you familiar with the Tulsa Free Wi-Fi site?


(For those of us too cheap to pay for Wi-fi right now.)

dorsey said:

I didn't see anything in that article about security. The benefit of being tethered to my home network is the added layer of security provided by the firewall in my wireless router. A citywide wireless network is awesome, but people need to take precautions with their own computers to avoid others peeping on their hard-drives.

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