Up ahead
As I get time over the next couple of days, I'll fill you in on Councilor Jim Mautino's ethics complaint against Mayor Bill LaFortune, who (until yesterday) was a board member of the Metro Tulsa Chamber and while serving as a board member, he also approved and signed contracts on behalf of the City of Tulsa with the Metro Tulsa Chamber. Turns out the Mayor hasn't filed an ethics disclosure statement, which is required by law.
Councilor Mautino has also been speaking out about the way the city's Public Works Department mishandled extending sewer to a new housing development proposed for 11th and 161st East Ave, which would have been one of the first new developments in the Tulsa Public School district in years, maybe more than a decade. Our city departments and boards seem to be more eager about extending infrastructure to the suburbs than to unserved areas of our own city.
Years ago, I heard an ol' boy who lived up 'round North Peoria say to somebody about the streets that the city "treats us like a bunch of **** apes on this side of town, and we resent it."
Sometimes it seems to me that unless you live on the South end of Tulsa, maybe even in Bixby or Jenks, or on the extreme North, possibly Owasso, or in one of the older, seriously-moneyed Tulsa neighborhoods, you just aren't a priority to Tulsa city government. And truthfully, until all of us "**** apes" learn to get out and vote, every time, I guess we never will be.