From the people who brought you Great Plains Airlines...
Why exactly should the state subsidize the construction of half-million dollar luxury lakeside condominiums?
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The INSANITY called Oklahoma state government never ceases to find ever more ways to waste taxpayer money with Corporate WELFARE. Just ever more madness.
NO ONE's safety or money is safe when our Oklahoma Legislature is in session!
However, there is one serious sub-surface problem to think about in this deal:
Doesn't Tar Creek up near Picher eventually drain into Grand Lake........?
The gas stations used to offer Leaded or Unleaded gasoline.
I guess the water faucets in the proposed Condos and hotel will have two separate sets of water faucets:
Leaded Water(from Grand Lake), or Unleaded (bottled water from Culligan Water Service).
Maybe that's why the condo's need such enormous state tax subsidies to be viable.....
This is the same nonsense that the people rose up against and stopped last year when it was on a silent green lighted track. It's just infuriating that our legislators will not be constrained by the People's Will.
What's one Championship golf course worth?
This bunch got not one, but two, championship golf courses, and a large highrise resort hotel on a prime site, from the State, mind you, for a total of $5 million.
That's certainly way more of my taxes they've already garnished than I'm willing to give.
If our legislator finds a way to toss them up to another $30 million in tax credits, I'll personally consider it criminal.