A couple of Jane Jacobs quotes
Don't know which of her books or articles they came from, but I like these:
A culture is unsalvageable if stabilizing forces themselves become ruined and irrelevant. . . The collapse of one sustaining cultural institution enfeebles others, makes it more likely that others will give way . . . until finally the whole enfeebled, intractable contraption collapses.Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.
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Here's a quote from the REALPOLITIK of Tulsa's Zoning and Land Use Development Cabal:
And, you can quote me further:
If you don't like the rules, hire the eminence gris of Tulsa zoning codes:
Chas. "Stormin" Norman.
ALL at the TMAPC and the BOA will bow down to the Prince of Darkness.
Yeah and Verily.
Great post! She's my all-time favorite author.