Leon McAuliffe and the Cimarron Boys: "The Three Bears"
Because I'm tired and burned out on serious stuff (the Republican County Convention was today), here's a bebop version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Bobby Troup, performed by legendary steel guitarist Leon McAuliffe (singing, not steeling, in this one) and his band. Take it away, Leon....
The baby bear's part cracks me up.
said the little wee bear,
"there's the chick that busted my chair!"
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When I returned home after the Tulsa County Republican Convention, I sat down and read through the platform.
I have to complement you, Joy, and the entire committe for your work. This platform is very impressive. It is strong, concise and very well organized.
As you can imagine, I am particularly pleased with the Creationism plank. I also like the LOCAL GOVERNMENT planks which oppose raising taxes for river development and encourage County Commissioners to stop proposing any increases in county sales tax.
Other than the issue on which you and I disagree, I think you guys have produced one of the best platforms in recent years.
Some time when you are on Michael's show, it would be great to compair our platform (plank by plank) with the democrat platform.
I just wanted to let you know that your hard work is appreciated. This platform is meaningful. Your committee did a great job.
Dan Hicks