Randy Brogdon profile in UTW

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One of my favorite state senators, Randy Brogdon of Owasso, is profiled in the current issue of Urban Tulsa Weekly. One of the many things I appreciate about him is that, unlike some Republicans, he believes that being pro-business means reducing government's burdens on all business, not providing special subsidies to politically favored businesses. When asked for examples of government waste, here's what he told UTW reporter Brian Ervin:

So, where is the government spending irresponsibly?

"Corporate welfare," answered Brogdon as an immediate example.

The governor's Opportunity Fund and EDGE Fund were specific examples he cited.

"It's not right for the state government to spend money to handpick which companies are going to prosper," he said. "If was governor and I was going to make that decision, I would set a level playing field and set up a free market."

Senator, are you announcing your candidacy for governor in 2010?

"Not today," answered Brogdon in mid-laugh.

I hope he will.

Elsewhere in the issue, sports columnist Dwayne Davis reviews a Tulsa and Muskogee-based sports talk station called the Sports Animal. This paragraph caught my eye:

[Host Geoff Haxton] is joined by local sports broadcasting legend Bob Carpenter and/or Channel 6's John Holcomb depending on the day of the week. It is refreshing to hear Tulsa talk from guys who understand the town.

Interesting note about Carpenter. For years he could be found on sports talk rival AM 1430 The Buzz. The 'Carpenter Call' was a staple of the afternoon show with Pop and Plank.

Dwayne is probably too young to remember this, but Bob Carpenter was a pioneer of local sports talk back in the late '70s, with his nightly hour of Sportsline on KRMG. (Sportsline was 6-7, Nightline with David Stanford was 7-8, then Johnny Martin came on with big band music until one o'clock in the morning.)

I missed this when it first ran two weeks ago, but Katharine Kelly gave a very good review to a Filipino restaurant called Phil-Asia, near 36th & Sheridan. We'll have to give it a try.

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Jeff Shaw Author Profile Page said:

The Phil-Asia store ran by a friend of ours. She is such a wonderful person.

A Ainslie Stanford said:

I remember KRMG's nightime programing well back in the 70's with those real professionals: Carpenter,Stanford, and Martin. I listened often as these pioneers brought sports talk, call in programing and soothing cool music to tulsa in the evening. And it was all live. Also that is where Joe Riddle, the current producer and personality on KRMG cut his teeth wiht these guys. I miss that programming as well as my brother, David, truly one of a kind.

Nice to hear from you, Ainslie. I had the privilege of meeting your brother back in the day. Circa 1978, several of my high school classmates and I were regular callers to Sportsline and Nightline. A couple of my friends could do a dead-on impression of David. David invited us to come up and see the show one night, back when it was on the top floor of Liberty Towers. We met Joe Riddle, then, and Joe recorded one of my friends doing his David Stanford impression, which included a line about the setting sun "reflecting and refracting along the beautiful Arkansas River."

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