A Thrifty warning
When I was booking my trip to Orlando, I was excited to learn that Thrifty not only had a great weekly rate, but a special deal called "Wild Car." For less than the cost of booking a mid-size, I was guaranteed a mid-size or better. Maybe I'd wind up with an SUV with satellite radio or a sporty ragtop. It worked out to about $80, or $120 once all the taxes and fees were figured in.
I like to book Dollar or Thrifty when I can. The prices are usually good, I've always had good customer service, even when renting from a Dollar affiliate overseas, and I like supporting a local company.
The way the Wild Car works, I learned from the agent in Orlando, is that every Wild Car customer on a given day gets the same type vehicle.
The day before I arrived, the Wild Car was a PT Cruiser.
The day before that, it was a convertible.
The day I arrived, it was a minivan. Chrysler Town and Country.
Monty Hall would call that a zonk.
Now if a customer really needed a minivan, they'd probably have booked one. If you didn't need one, I can't imagine you'd think a minivan is better than a mid-size.
Something to keep in mind when you're thinking about rolling the dice on that Wild Car deal.
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i have used thrifty exclusively for five years. don't know much about florida. hate vanguard