"Gang of Five" reunion on KFAQ
Tomorrow morning from 6:40 to 8:00 on 1170 KFAQ, former City Councilor Chris Medlock will host four of his former colleagues and allies on the City Council: Councilors Jack Henderson and Roscoe Turner, and former Councilors Jim Mautino and Sam Roop. Should be worth hearing their perspective on the river tax, the new/old police chief, the new City Hall, and other city issues.
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The projects on the tax vote income plans to build restaurants and retail stores which are low paying jobs. How many of the estimated 10,000 jobs will actually be higher income and will any bring development for hiring I.T. and highly skills computer management with cutting edge projects or will any bring in any huge computer companies? Hundreds of I.T. skilled lost their jobs in 2002, 2001. Will downtown ever fill all of that empty office space?