Brady Village a "best place" to buy an old house

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This Old House, the pioneering PBS series on home restoration has saluted Tulsa's Brady Heights neighborhood as one of the best places in the country to buy an old house:

Brady Heights existed before Oklahoma was a state. The area, originally known as the Silk Stocking neighborhood, saw hard times before making a comeback in the 1980s. Now on the National Register of Historic Places and just blocks from downtown Tulsa, Brady Heights is adjacent to the Tulsa branch of Oklahoma State University and encompasses an eclectic choice of housing, populated by a diverse mix of owners and renters. Four churches and an active community group that helps older residents take care of their homes provide the social glue....

Tate Brady, an early city booster and real estate entrepreneur as well as the neighborhood's namesake, built his mansion here in 1907. You'll also find bundles of bungalows and Foursquares built between 1900 and 1924, along with Colonial Revival, Folk Queen Anne, Folk Victorian, Craftsman, Italian Renaissance Revival, and Prairie School houses.

The neighborhood, which covers Denver and Cheyenne Avenues between Marshall St. and Fairview St., just north of the Inner Dispersal Loop, is listed by the "This Old House" site as one of the best for old-home buyers who are first-time buyers, retirees, "city slickers," those interested in craftsman houses, and those looking for an older home in the midwest. You can find a simple bungalow in the neighborhood for as little as $40,000.

Via Preserve Midtown, which notes:

Those homes that are sometimes referred to as "eyesores" do have great value with some time and effort put in to make them shine like they did when they were new.

Homes like this were built with care and with the intent of having them last for a century or more.

Houses of similar style and vintage could once be found all the way east to Detroit Ave. But the city promised the University Center of Tulsa 200 acres for its campus, and during the '90s the land south of Emerson Elementary School was bought up by the Tulsa Development Authority and the homes demolished. Footings, staircases, and other remnants are still visible.

Brady Heights has an active neighborhood association, is listed on the National Register for Historic Places, and has historic preservation overlay zoning, meaning that exterior modifications have to be reviewed for appropriateness by the Tulsa Preservation Commission, in order to preserve the historic character of the neighborhood and protect the investments made in restoring these homes.

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webworm Author Profile Page said:

So....too many comments from here? How about the First Amendment? How about censorship? How about no comments from here on out and how about taking BatesLine off of my computer?

Chill, dude. Everything you've posted is showing up as "approved" on my end. Because you have a login here, your stuff goes up as soon you submit it. If you don't see it on your end, you may need to hit F5 to refresh the page. Either that, or there's a problem with the blog software that has hitherto escaped my notice.

Walnut said:

It is probably only a software setting! Calm down before you embarrass yourself.

One more thing: The First Amendment means you have the right to start your own blog, not that you have a right to post anything you like on my blog.

That said, I appreciate your contributions here and hope you continue to participate.

webworm Author Profile Page said:

OK....I was stressed out, I think...but there was a rejection of a great comment and it said that I had made too many comments. So, I will continue to enjoy both ends of this blog....

S. Lee Author Profile Page said:

Some of those bargain houses are in need of extensive restoration. We're talking industrial strength extensive.

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