Out of the mouths of babes: RNC edition
Toddler walks into the room where I'm working on compressing some digital video.
"I want to watch another movie. Can I sit on your lap?"
We look at some short videos from our trip to San Antonio: Video of lorikeets, dolphins, and the toddler telling Grandma about his day at Sea World:
"A walrus is good not to pet."
We look at some video I took at the Republican National Convention. First, the balloon drop with star-spangled three-foot wide balloons bouncing around the convention floor.
"That is awesome."
We look at some video from just before the balloon drop; people (including Henry Kissinger) are applauding, clapping in time to the music.
"I don't need to watch that. That is not awesome."
ONE MORE from tonight: "A kitten is a kind of kittycat that walks in the bushes." (He had seen a kitten during big brother's field trip to the Linnaeus Garden at Woodward Park.)
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That is so cute!
Kids crack me up so much. They simply say what it is on their mind at all times, and usually in very funny ways.
What a blessing.