National Preservation Conference: Get yourself downtown!

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If you have any interest at all in fixing up older buildings (even if you don't think of them as particularly historic), visiting and promoting historic landmarks, economic revitalization of small towns and rural areas, walkable communities, "green" buildings, infill that respects existing development -- if you like pecans or fudge or Frankoma pottery -- if you want to connect with fellow Tulsans interested in protecting and preserving our great neighborhoods or our classic downtown and midtown buildings -- if you'd love to support preservation while winning a weekend away in a historic hotel -- if you want to learn how lasers are used to support restoration of historic buildings -- if you are interested in a degree program in preservation (or know someone who is) -- if you want to visit with the architects converting the Atlas Life Building into a Courtyard by Marriott -- if you want to know what communities across the country are doing to turn history into economic development ....

You need to come down to the Tulsa Convention Center on Friday, between 9 and 5, to spend some time at the exhibit hall for the National Preservation Conference. It's free and open to the public, and it's a great way to learn a lot. Friday between 9 and 5 is your last opportunity to see the exhibits. Yes, it would be nice if they had evening or weekend hours, but they don't. Come on your lunch hour, have a look around, and meet fellow Tulsans and people from across America with an interest in preservation.

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webworm Author Profile Page said:

About five hundred of the Preservation visitors came to the Sunset Terrace area of Maple Ridge last night. They bused in and, after a dinner at Harwelden went to eight open homes in the area. The streets were blocked off and they could wander at will. Residents in the area volunteered their time to be guides and answer questions. It was a lot of fun for all!

Jeff Shaw Author Profile Page said:

I'll be down on my lunch break on Friday, after I drop some items off at the Downtown Central Library. It's a nice walk. Thanks for the heads up.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on October 23, 2008 6:59 PM.

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