Apollo 11 40th anniversary on the web

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Thursday is the 40th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11. A website called WeChooseTheMoon.org will be streaming the mission as it happened 40 years before. You can even follow the sequence of events on Twitter -- @AP11_SPACECRAFT and @AP11_CAPCOM.

I would love to watch and show my children some of the TV coverage from Apollo 11 -- Frank Reynolds and Jules Bergman on ABC, Frank McGee and John Chancellor on NBC, Walter Cronkite on CBS. If you know when any of that material is going to be aired or where it can be found on the web, please post a comment and let us all know.

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Don Hellwege said:

Here is a blog post from an OKCer posting at Wizbang. Has a YouTube video of the launch and he references that he will have more to come.


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