Where's Dewey Jr?
I received an e-mail yesterday morning from Herb Beattie, who is organizing a candidate forum for the League of Women Voters of Metro Tulsa (phone numbers, except for the campaign office number, redacted):
Subject: Please help me locate Dewey
Since last Wednesday, 9/23, on behalf of the LWVMT, the Brookside NA and other midtown NAs, I have been trying to arrange a forum involving mayoral, auditor and Council district 9 candidates. Of course the most important candidates are Dewey Bartlett and Tom Adelson. I talked with Adelson's office but have been unsuccessful locating Dewey. I called his campaign office, 582-5553, and left a message. I then sent an email to his campaign website (see below). On Friday morning I called Republican HQ and the lady who answered told me that they were having similar difficulties communicating with him or his campaign staff. She gave me three numbers to try
1. 230-xxxx a machine answered and I left a message
2. 743-xxxx a man answered but was not helpful other than suggesting that I call Keener Oil
3. 587-xxxx this is Keener Oil where I left a message for Dewey or his assistant to call me.No responses yet, so I am asking some of my Republican friends to help me find him.
Bartlett Jr was supposed to appear at the After Five Republican Women's Club meeting at Cowboy Sharkie's, 5840 S. Memorial, last at 6 p.m. But then he was supposed to appear at last month's meeting, a forum to which all Republican mayoral candidates were invited, but he canceled. I haven't heard whether he made last night's meeting or not.
As of early this morning, Beattie had tried a couple of additional avenues to contact Bartlett Jr, with no result.
If you know of Dewey Bartlett Jr's whereabouts, please contact the League of Women Voters.
"Where's Dewey Jr?" graphic courtesy Steven Roemerman, who has a "Where's Dewey Jr?" puzzle and a song. (Do it, Rockapella!)
In the comments, Chris Medlock writes:
He was late to the After Five Republican Women's Club, but he did show along with his wife Victoria.No word as to where he went after that. I didn't notice any strange fog, or anything.
UPDATE 2009/09/30: Herb Beattie writes:
Thanks to Councilor Bynum, batesline and, perhaps, others I received a call from a man on Dewey's campaign team yesterday. He suggested that a forum scheduled for Sunday, 11/1, at 11:30 at All Souls Unitarian Church (ASUC) be used for a "District 9 Candidate Forum". I responded that, although that might be useful for a very few folks who are not members of that church, it would not meet our broader objectives because of parking and many folks wanting to be at other churches at that time. I asked him to suggest some other times and I agreed to call ASUC to seek their reaction.
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He was late to the After Five Republican Women's Club, but he did show along with his wife Victoria.
No word as to where he went after that. I didn't notice any strange fog, or anything.
According to PC this morning, tomorrow (WED 9/30) in the 8:00 hour, there's to be a one-on-one debate on KFAQ between Dewey and Tom, with each asking the other the questions. 1.5min response, 30 sec rebuttal, followed by another 30 sec rebuttal and a new question by last rebuttaler.
To, fro for the full hour.
Maybe Dewey will show.
go by his house? Address available on tulsaworld land records.
Would that be at the address where he was registered to vote as recently as June, or at the address he used when he filed for office?
the one in south lewis park subdivision