Tulsa Police Dept. reverts policy on non-injury wreck response

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From a TPD press release Tuesday, reversing the February 4 decision not to respond to non-injury accidents:

Due to police layoffs, a temporary change in collision response was made on February 4, 2010, until a manpower re-distribution and re-structuring of the Department could be evaluated. Since that time, the Police Department has reviewed 911 call priorities and the decision of diverting non-injury collision calls to alternative reporting methods.

Effective immediately, Tulsa Police will respond to all collisions on public roadways in the Tulsa City limits. Some collisions on Private Property, i.e. shopping center parking lots, will be referred to alternative reporting (Operator Collision forms at local convenience stores and online).

We would like to thank the citizens of Tulsa for their patience and support during these difficult times. Additionally, we appreciate the Tulsa County Sheriff's office for volunteering to be on standby during that time of transition.

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Shadow6 said:

Yawn. I've given up on the FOP and the Tulsa PD. I can only hope that Councilor Henderson and the FOP's reckless statements that the mayor is out to destroy the union comes true.

I think they intend to submit a new "proposal" every week or so to stay in the public eye, and I suppose out Old Media gatekeepers will give them oxygen. I'm just so tired of those jerks.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on February 18, 2010 3:25 PM.

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