Santorum Tulsa visit details
Straight from presidential candidate Rick Santorum's Oklahoma campaign team, here's everything you need to know about his visit to the ORU campus tomorrow, February 9, 2012:
The ORU College Republicans are holding a forum for Rick Santorum at 1:30pm in the Mabee Center Complex. Come to the East entrance of the "Baby Mabee" Auditorium entrance. The doors open at 1pm. The University has always had a "no signs" policy in their buildings and we ask all the supporters to honor their wishes. Political Tshirts and hats are just fine. Be prepared to undergo security screening.
The students of the Govt. studies dept will be sitting in a reserved section. There is a good amount of open seating for the public. We will not honor saving seats, when the auditorium reaches capacity. First come basis, period.
Rick will have some time in the program for questions from the crowd. Have your questions written out concisely and with brevity. Don't include statements; just ask your question. The College Republicans will coordinate this process, so submit your questions to them when you arrive.
The event will be televised live on the web, at Tell your friends that they can view it on the web, if they can't attend.
The "Baby Mabee" is so called because it looks like a miniature version of the Mabee Center. Easiest access is from 81st Street east of Lewis Ave in Tulsa. The green arrow marks the entrance.
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