2024 Tulsa County Commission District 2 primaries

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Karen Keith is running for Mayor of Tulsa, and seven candidates are running to replace her as Tulsa County Commissioner for District 2, three Republicans, three Democrats, and one independent.

The three Republicans are Tulsa District 2 City Councilor Jeannie Cue (sister of Keith's predecessor Randi Miller), District 68 State Representative Lonnie Sims, and small business owner Melissa Myers. The three Democrats are former Tulsa District 4 City Councilor Maria Barnes, Karen Keith's chief deputy Jim Rea, and public relations agent Sarah Gray. Josh Turley, who was the Republican nominee in 2016 and 2020, is running as an independent this year.

Melissa_Myers_Tulsa_County_Commissioner.pngIn the Republican primary, I'm voting for Melissa Myers. She is a graduate of Berryhill High School, married with two children, and with her husband and another couple owns Christ Centered Lawn and Landscape. The company provided Christmas lighting this year for the rooflines of Sand Springs' historic downtown buildings.

While all three GOP candidates live within some city's limits, Myers lives in the Prattville section of Sand Springs, the closest of the Republican candidates to the large unincorporated regions of the district, where residents are entirely dependent upon county government for road maintenance and law enforcement.

Myers has been endorsed by Oklahomans for the Second Amendment (OK2A) and Oklahomans for Health and Parental Rights. KRMG's Russell Mills interviewed Melissa Myers in February after she announced her candidacy.

Myers got her political feet wet when she advocated for keeping at least part of the Gilcrease Turnpike free. While she wasn't successful in the effort, it gave her experience in the conflict between local needs and the priorities of government agencies. One of Myers's priorities is transparency in the county commissioner's office and the operations of the budget board.

As a city councilor, Jeannie Cue devotes a great deal of time to being attentive to the needs of the neighborhoods in her district, and I'm sure that would carry over to the County Commission. Where she falls short is as a watchdog.

(Here is Jeannie Cue's interview with KRMG.)

A prime example is when the Tulsa City Council approved federal COVID recovery grant money to fund a sex survey targeting teenagers as young as 15. When I raised the issue at a meeting of the Tulsa Area Republican Assembly where Cue was present, she was very concerned to hear that the survey was being promoted on the Tulsa Parks Facebook page, and she made some phone calls the following day, resulting in the deletion of the Tulsa Parks Facebook post. She was kind enough to follow up with me as well.

Here's the problem: Jeannie Cue was a member of the four-member council committee (with Phil Lakin, Lori Decter Wright, and Vanessa Hall Harper) that "vetted" the non-profit applications, including that of Amplify Tulsa. She had the opportunity to flag this grant as a misuse of public money, particularly money intended to help Tulsans recover from the COVID shutdowns, but there's no indication that she raised an objection. Her shocked reaction when I discussed the grant at the TARA meeting suggests that she didn't exercise due care and attention when it had been before the committee.

When we elect someone to a seat at the table in government, it's reasonable to expect her to use her position to investigate and scrutinize government on our behalf, through the lens of the priorities and values of the voters who elected her. Councilor Cue has demonstrated that she's not very good at that.

The third Republican candidate is State Rep. Lonnie Sims, whose House district covers much of the County Commission district west of the Arkansas River. Sims is the big-money candidate in the race, and he has an abysmal voting record at the State Capitol. In the Oklahoma Constitution's Conservative Index of 10 key votes for the 2023 legislative session, Sims scored 40%, a failing grade, and his career average was 61%, reflecting his support for corporate welfare. (Does a billionaire-owned NBA team really need special tax breaks?) Sims has a lifetime average of 59% on OCPA's Legislative Scorecard, which records Sims's support for the interests of tribal officials over the general public and his backing of bills to undermine Oklahoma's anti-SLAPP law. He's using the same campaign consultants that are supporting Democrat Karen Keith's bid for mayor.

Maria_Barnes_Tulsa_County_Commissioner.pngI encourage Democrats in Commission District 2 to vote for Maria Barnes. As a city councilor for four years in my district, Barnes represented the interests of homeowners and neighborhoods over special interests; that's why she was targeted for defeat in 2008 and again in 2011, by means of big money and (in 2011) Dewey Bartlett Jr's gerrymander. I've described her as a neighborhood servant whose years in the trenches with the Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood Association and the Midtown Coalition of Neighborhood Associations shaped her into an effective elected official, a true public servant. Although we disagree on many national political issues, Maria and I share many concerns about the way local government bodies treat their citizens. I appreciate her frankness. She's willing to take a principled stand and not back down under pressure. As a county commissioner, she would not be anyone's fool.

Jim Rea, Karen Keith's chief deputy, bought a house in the district barely in time to meet the six-month residency requirement, and his candidacy was challenged by his Democrat opponents on the basis that ownership alone doesn't constitute residency. The state law defining residence is fairly loose, so the county election board had to allow him to remain on the ballot, but voters may and should take his short tenure in the district into account. Rea's LinkedIn profile indicates that he's only been back in Tulsa for about five years, serving for the last two as Keith's chief deputy.

Sarah Gray's website gives the impression that she's a caring person who doesn't understand the duties and powers of the office she seeks.

BatesLine endorsed Josh Turley during his two attempts to unseat Karen Keith. Turley has a doctorate in organizational leadership, had a distinguished 24-year career at the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office, serving as the TCSO's first civilian crime scene investigator and developing the department's first Risk Management program, which succeeded in reducing car accidents involving deputies and tort claim payouts. Turley independently developed policies and procedures to be used by smaller sheriff's offices and county jails to improve performance and minimize risk. As an independent candidate, Turley will not be on the ballot until November.

Here are the campaign finance reports filed by the candidates to date with the Tulsa County Election Board. Note that only Sims and Rea filed the pre-primary contributions and expenditures report that was due yesterday. Cue and Myers filed contributions and expenditures reports covering the first quarter of 2024. Barnes and Gray have yet to file a contributions and expenditures report.

MORE: Cheryl Wilburg recorded and posted most of the county commissioner debate sponsored by the Tulsa County GOP, after the live feed started having problems.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on June 11, 2024 11:08 AM.

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