2025 Tulsa County GOP precinct meetings
UPDATED 2025/01/27 with information about Wagoner County precinct meetings. See the end of this entry for details.
This coming Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 6:00 pm, Republicans will gather for precinct meetings across Tulsa County, the first stage in a series of conventions leading to the Oklahoma Republican State Convention in May.
Precinct meetings were traditionally held in homes, but in recent years the Tulsa County Republican Party has arranged for central meeting places where multiple precincts can gather. These are organized by State House district and located at churches, community centers, and libraries. The complete list of meeting places is at the end of this article (click the "Continue reading" link if you're on the main page).
Here's how the meetings typically go: After the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation for all the precincts present at the location, voters separate by precinct, then each precinct caucuses to decide who will serve as precinct chairman, vice chairman, and secretary for the next two years, decide who will go as the precinct's delegates to the county convention (usually everyone present), and then debate and discuss any resolutions for platform planks or amendments to the party rules. All of the above gets recorded on various forms. Often, only one voter shows up for a particular precinct, and things go very quickly. Nearly all precincts choose to send an "open" delegation to the county convention, which means that the number of delegates attending is not limited by the number of votes allocated to the precinct; the votes of those who attend are weighted proportionally to the votes allocated.
On Saturday, March 1, 2025, the Tulsa County Republican Convention will meet at the Stoney Creek Convention Center in Broken Arrow and elect a new chairman and vice chairman, the county's two representatives on the State Committee, and the county's two representatives on the 1st Congressional District Committee. These six individuals together form the county's Central Committee. Incumbent chairman Ronda Vuillemont Smith is not running for re-election. The county convention will also vote on a county platform and any proposed rule changes. The county convention will almost certainly vote to attend the state convention as an open delegation, allowing any of the county convention delegates to serve as state convention delegates, where a state party chairman and vice chairman will be elected to a two-year term. The Oklahoma Republican State Convention will be on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
It's best to be present at your precinct meeting if you wish to serve as a delegate to the county and state conventions, but there is another path if you cannot attend on precinct meeting night. Details are below.
Following are the official details about the precinct meetings sent out by the Republican Party of Tulsa County:
Precinct Meeting FAQ's
What is the purpose of biennial precinct meetings?
Official Precinct meetings are held as required by Party rules. These meetings take place in odd numbered years and are announced and scheduled by the County Chairman. It is only during these meetings that official Party business may be conducted. Official business includes election of Precinct officers and drafting of any resolutions or suggested changes to the Platform or Party Rules.
The business of the Precinct meeting this year is to:
1. Elect new precinct officers for a 2-year term.
2. Elect delegates to represent the precinct at the County Convention (March 1).
3. Submit planks/amendments/changes to the Tulsa County GOP Platform, and recommend changes to the OKGOP State Party Rules and State Party Platform.
What if I am unable to attend the scheduled precinct meeting but would like to attend the county convention, March 1, 2025?
We understand you might be out-of-town, have a previous engagement, or possibly you are unwell making you unable to attend the precinct meeting in-person. An email must be sent to delegate@tulsagop.org requesting an Absentee Precinct Member Data Sheet to be completed and returned to the same email address delegate@tulsagop.org, no later than 3:00 pm January 28, 2025.
If you do not attend your precinct meeting in-person, but would like to attend the county convention, March 1st, an Absentee Precinct Member Data Sheet must be requested and submitted to the Tulsa County GOP office (2816 E 51st St, Tulsa) by the close of business (3:00 pm) or by email to delegate@tulsagop.org. A completed Precinct Member Data Sheet is required from everyone wanting to attend the Tulsa County GOP convention, March 1, 2025.
I am currently the precinct chairman/vice-chairman and am unable to attend the precinct meeting in-person - do I get to remain the precinct chair?
No. Attendance at the January 28th precinct meeting is necessary to be elected as chair or vice-chair of your precinct (the purpose of the convention call). Should other precinct members attend the precinct meeting in-person and elect precinct leadership (chair/vice-chair), that elected leadership will be recognized and serve for the 2025/26 term. Should no precinct member(s) attend the in-person precinct meeting, leaving the precinct without leadership, a request can be made of the Tulsa County GOP Chairman to fill the empty position(s), following the Tulsa County GOP County Convention, March 1, 2025.
I'm being told I need to become a precinct chair. What exactly does that mean?
Being a good precinct chair comes with responsibilities. Precinct chair/vice-chair are the Republican representative(s) within their precinct. Building relationships and getting to know your Republican neighbors and promoting the Republican Party in your neighborhood is a key part of being a good precinct leader. Developing a precinct network will allow you to help influence the outcome of local, state, and national elections, as well as recruit potential candidates. As a precinct chair/vice-chair you sit on the County Committee and should attend all County Committee meetings. Roles and Responsibilities of a Precinct Chair
The Role of the Republican Party:
- To promote the Republican Party brand and what we believe. We are the BEST political party, we have a strong foundation of principles and values, with a sound belief in God, family and country, that is worth sharing with others.
- To help get Republicans elected to office.
- To work with and support our Republican elected officials through building relationships.
- To be a resource for voters, candidates and elected officials
- GOTV (Get Out The Vote)
How to determine your precinct meeting location:
Know your Precinct number - this is important in assuring you attend the correct precinct meeting. To locate your precinct number go to: https://okvoterportal.okelections.gov/ Your precinct number is located toward the top of the page.
Precinct meetings are set up by State House Districts. To locate your House district, go to https://okvoterportal.okelections.gov/ You will find your House district number towards the bottom of the page.
Precinct meetings will be held Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:00 pm, with the exception of *Precinct 166 (HD76), will hold their meeting at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at 2013 West Memphis Street, Broken Arrow. Find your meeting location and make a plan to attend.
You will need your Voter ID number. You can find your voter ID number at https://okvoterportal.okelections.gov/ located at the top of the page. This number is unique and will be used to confirm you are a registered Republican. *ONLY registered Republican voters are allowed to participate in Republican precinct meetings.
Locations by State House Districts
HD - 9, 11, 74
Collinsville Public Library
1223 Main
Collinsville, OK 74021
HD - 29, 30, 66, 73*
Charles Page Library
551 E 4th St
Sand Springs, OK 74063
HD - 70, 71, 72*, 77*, 78
Embassy Church
7100 E 31st St
Tulsa, OK 74145
HD - 23, 75, 79
Hicks Park Community Center
3443 S Mingo Rd
Tulsa, OK 74145
HD - 68, 69
Jenks City Hall - Community Room
211 N Elm St.
Jenks, OK 74037
HD - 67, 80
Evergreen Baptist Church
10301 East 111th St S
Bixby, OK 74008
HD - 16, 24
Glenpool Library
730 E 141st St
Glenpool, OK 74033
HD - 76, 98
Broken Arrow Library
300 W Broadway Ave
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
** Precinct 166 (HD76) will hold its meeting on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 1:00pm at 2013 West Memphis Street, Broken Arrow, OK.
*Please be aware of the changes made to the House District meeting locations for House Districts 72, 73, and 77.
This is a lot of information, and you may still have questions. Please reach out to us with your questions, we are happy to address them and share the information with others.
Remember, your precinct is your neighbors. Please feel free to invite anyone that would like to get involved. They MUST be a registered Republican, of course. The way we grow the Party is by sharing this information with others when encouraging them to participate.
Thank you for your interest in the Tulsa County Republican Party. We are #1 for a reason, we set goals, and we work hard to successfully keep Tulsa County RED!!! It's a team effort! Come join the winning team!!
We hope to see you at our precinct meetings January 28th.
Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Tulsa County GOP Chair
UPDATE 2025/01/27: Wagoner County Republicans will hold their precinct meetings on Thursday evening, January 30, 2025, at 7 pm. All meetings will be at Indian Capital Technolo?gy Center, Wagoner County Campus, 31350 E State Hwy 51, Coweta, OK 74429. Doors open at 6:30, arrive early for cookies, coffee, and fellowship.
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