Global News: August 2006 Archives
The terrorist organization that has been in the news for its attacks on Israeli civilians and for using Lebanese civilians as human shields is called Hezbollah, sometimes spelled Hizballah, sometimes there's an apostrophe -- Hizb'allah. It's Arabic for "Party of God."
My friend Redsneakz has decided that Hizb'shaitan is a more accurate title. (You can decode that, can't you?) I agree and intend to follow his example.
Although, given their devotion of sacrificing their own children and the children of others in the name of their false god, Hezb'moloch would be appropriate, too.
It is reported that Fidel Castro has "temporarily" stepped aside as misleader of Cuba because of health problems.
Babalu Blog is the place to be to follow Castro's demise and the succession as it unfolds.