Tulsa Crime: April 2009 Archives

A press release from the Tulsa Police Department:

On April 19th and April 26th at 9:00 p.m., the Tulsa Police Department's Homicide Unit will be featured on an episode of the Interrogators, as seen on the Biography Channel. This is an opportunity for the citizens of Tulsa and individuals around the country to see the outstanding job that our Homicide Unit does. The Tulsa Police Homicide Unit is continually above the national average in solved homicide cases.

The viewer will be able to see detectives as they interview homicide suspects in an attempt to gain the suspects confession. These are not actors.

Viewers should check with their local satellite or cable provider for the location of the Biography Channel.

The Biography Channel is on Cox Digital channel 164. You can find clips of the episodes featuring the Tulsa police department online here. Direct links to the clips:

Sgt. Mike Huff shows the TPD interview room.

Sgt. Mike Huff and Det. Mike Nance sitting in Elmer's Barbecue, talking about being on duty 24 hours a day.

Preview of Episode 5 featuring TPD Det. Mike Nance.

Preview of Episode 6 featuring Det. Vic Regalado, who talks about a murder scene on 6th St. See if you can figure out the name of the business, which has been blurred.

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