Tulsa Election 2004: October 2004 Archives

NOTE TO VOTERS: This entry is from 2004. Follow this link for voting information for 2008.

The Tulsa County Election Board has added a number of new and welcome enhancements to the board's website.

You can go here to look at a sample ballot for your precinct. Each ballot will be double-sided. The front will vary based on the which legislative and county commission district a precinct is in. You can look in this cross-reference to see which style will be used in your precinct, then click on that style's link to look at the front of the ballot. The back of the ballot will have the state questions and will be identical county-wide.

Don't know your precinct? Go to the precinct locator, enter your address, and you'll be shown the precinct number, all the applicable district numbers, a picture of the polling place, a link to a MapQuest map of the polling place's location, and a number to call if you run into problems.

You can vote "absentee in person" at the County Election Board HQ at 555 N. Denver, this Friday, 8 am to 6 pm, Saturday 8 am to 1 pm, and Monday 8 am to 6 pm. Here's a link to information about this, and other general election info.

Thanks to Election Board Secretary Gene Pace and his staff for these very helpful additions to the website.

(Now if we could just have past election results online, I'd be thrilled.)

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Tulsa Election 2004 category from October 2004.

Tulsa Election 2004: June 2004 is the previous archive.

Tulsa Election 2004: December 2004 is the next archive.

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