OpinionJournal: Evangelicals and Evil Empires
OpinionJournal: Evangelicals and Evil Empires
Why are evangelical social conservatives open to a Giuliani presidency? Because they care about foreign policy, too, for the sake of their persecuted Christian brethren in Muslim-ruled countries, just as they cared about their brethren behind the Iron Curtain:
"John Wilson, editor of Books and Culture, the literary journal associated with Christianity Today, recalls going to Sunday evening church services in the 1950s: 'Every year, we heard a speaker or two who had come from "behind the Iron Curtain." They had harrowing tales to tell, sometimes first-person, sometimes not. There was a palpable sense of a world-scale conflict with godless communism.'...
"The tales of missionaries from Islamic countries may even be more harrowing than those Mr. Wilson heard as a youngster: 'In the past you had missionaries come back and talk about being imprisoned. Now you have reports from people about beheadings and bombings.' [Timothy Shaw] also cites Voice of the Martyrs, a publication widely circulated among evangelical churches, 'which contains lurid accounts of Christian missionaries being killed and attacked in mostly Islamic countries.'"
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