Ace of Spades HQ: Group Of Has-been Politicians Meet To Call Attention To The Need For Bi-Partisanship And Themselves. Well, Mostly Themselves.

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Ace of Spades HQ: Group Of Has-been Politicians Meet To Call Attention To The Need For Bi-Partisanship And Themselves. Well, Mostly Themselves.

One blogger's take on the January 7 meeting of politicians hosted by David Boren at the University of Oklahoma, to discuss a potential independent "national unity" candidate for president: "If there is ever going to be a hall of fame for 'Annoying Politicians Who Think They Are Smarter Than Everyone Else But Who Nobody Listens To,' this will be the inaugural class of inductees." Included are former senators Sam Nunn, Chuck Robb, John Danforth, and Gary Hart, plus New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.


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