Fact Checker: Huckabee's Cut-and-Paste Job

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Fact Checker: Huckabee's Cut-and-Paste Job

"Seven of the nine points in the Huckabee [immigration] plan were copied, in some cases almost verbatim, from a plan that [Mark] Krikorian outlined nearly three years ago in the National Review. Rather than hammer out its own immigration policy, the cash-starved Huckabee campaign simply lifted a ready-made one off the shelf.... In Huckabee's defense, it must be noted that his Web site credits Krikorian for some of his ideas on immigration. On Thursday night, however, he implied that it was his own plan, rather than a hasty cut-and-paste job. Authors usually put quotation marks around phrases they copy from other authors. If the governor had said that he had 'created' part of his plan, he would have been correct."


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See-Dub said:

Actually this doesn't bother me too much. I don't mind hearing a candidate is taking some pointers from Mark Krikorian. If I thought he really meant any of it, I'd be pretty excited.



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