JunkYardBlog: How does Vice President Lindsey Graham Strike You?

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JunkYardBlog: How does Vice President Lindsey Graham Strike You?

Ugh. Fred better win Saturday. I have no second choice. "Once he gets the GOP nomination, McCain is done with the base. D-O-N-E. He's got us by the fleshy extremities, because he knows we're not going to defect to Hillary or Obama.... And at the risk of repeating myself, how does Secretary of State Richard Armitage grab you? That backstabbing creep jeopardized the war effort by giving the Left ammunition to go after Rove and Libby when he was the one who fingered Valerie Plame to the press all along. HE'S LEADING MCCAIN'S FOREIGN POLICY TEAM. Great personnel choice, McCain."


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