Grist: An interview with peak-oil provocateur Matthew Simmons
Grist: An interview with peak-oil provocateur Matthew Simmons
Matthew Simmons, who deals in energy company mergers and acquisitions, and who predicted in 2005 that oil would be at $200 per barrel by 2010, says hybrids aren't enough: "We have to find, for instance, far more energy-efficient methods of transporting products by rail and ship rather than trucks. We have to liberate the workforce from office-based jobs and let them work in their village, through the modern technology of emails and faxes and video conferencing. We have to address the distribution of food: Much of the food in supermarkets today comes from at least a continent or two away. We need to return to local farms. And we have to attack globalization: As energy prices soar, manufacturing things close to home will begin to make sense again." (Via 2Blowhards.)
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