WebGuy's Blog: Why won't Jim Inhofe stop spamming me?

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WebGuy's Blog: Why won't Jim Inhofe stop spamming me?

"Inhofe's campaign is spamming one email address that was only used to order pizza from Papa John's Pizza. When I ordered the pizza I do not remember seeing an optional checkbox to receive Inhofe spam next to the checkboxes for pepperoni, Italian sausage, onions and anchovies. There was no fine print that stated my email address would be signed up 'as a volunteer' for the Inhofe campaign. Nevertheless, I am getting spam after spam thanking me for 'being a volunteer' for the Inhofe campaign. Why? While I am a registered Republican, that status is soon to change. I cannot and will not be a member of a party that thinks spamming people is OK." Via Politics and Technology, which says, "Don't email-append voterfile lists. You're just sending email to people who don't want it."


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webworm Author Profile Page said:

You idiot.....you are supposed to order pizza from Mazzio's! When you order from that other guy, it marks you as a Limousine Liberal. Are you a LimoLib? That other guy sells LimoLib email addresses to the Inhofe campaign.



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