RealClearPolitics - Tony Blankley - The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative

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RealClearPolitics - Tony Blankley - The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative

Blankley takes on the "neuroticons": "Peggy [Noonan]'s unconscious fear may be that it will be precisely Sarah Palin (and others like her) who will be among the leaders of the about-to-be-reborn conservative movement. I suspect that the conservative movement we start rebuilding on the ashes of Nov. 4 (even if McCain wins) will have little use for overwritten, over-delicate commentary. The new movement will be plain-spoken and socially networked up from the Interneted streets, suburbs and small towns of America. It certainly will not listen very attentively to those conservatives who idolatrize Obama and collaborate in heralding his arrival. They may call their commentary 'honesty.' I would call it -- at the minimum -- blindness.

"The new conservative movement will be facing a political opponent that will reveal itself soon to be both multiculturalist and Eurosocialist. We will be engaged in a struggle to the political death for the soul of the country.... But just as it does in every great cause, one question has to be answered correctly: Whose side are you on, comrade?"


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