Outwit your inbox - Washington Times
Outwit your inbox - Washington Times
Good advice from Randall Dean, author of Taming the E-Mail Beast, on minimizing e-mail distractions, dealing with e-mail, and making it easier for your recipients to deal with your messages:
"People who constantly check e-mails and phone calls have a 10-point hit on their IQ -- as if you missed an entire night's sleep, or more than double the loss from smoking a marijuana joint."
"Turn off those e-mail notifications. I reset my automatic send/receive parameters to get e-mail every 90 minutes, so I can have blocks of time to get actual work done."
"If you're sending an e-mail, make it extremely clear in first two to three sentences what you want receiver to both know and do with e-mail. Stop sending FYI e-mails, which leaves a lot of room for error and misinterpretation."
(Via Dawn Eden at Conservative Grapevine.)
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