Why the Eagles, Rihanna and the Jonas Brothers Have Canceled Concert Dates This Summer - WSJ.com

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Why the Eagles, Rihanna and the Jonas Brothers Have Canceled Concert Dates This Summer - WSJ.com

The younger generation just doesn't connect deeply with their favorite bands in the same way as the Boomers did. "Beyond the vagaries of ticket pricing and the economy, a generational shift in how music is perceived may be at work, say some in the industry. 'The love that baby boomers had for music in their lives is a historical anomaly. It was their theme song,' says Jim McCarthy, chief executive of discount service Goldstar, which offers its members deals on everything from regional theater to rap concerts.... [18-year-old Gordy Murphy] intimately knows the 5,000 songs on his computer, but he rarely visits the sites of current artists in his collection, and thus rarely knows when they're releasing new music or embarking on a tour. 'There's no way to keep on top of all that,' he says." Be sure to read through the comments on the story -- good insights there.


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