Historical Metropolitan Populations of the United States - Peakbagger.com

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Historical Metropolitan Populations of the United States - Peakbagger.com

A chart showing the top 20 metro areas in population from the first census in 1790 to the most recent census in 2010. The lines show the path of each city. You can watch the rise (1820-1860) and fall (1960-1990) of the industrial Midwest, and the ascent of the Sun Belt, starting in the 1940s. Salem, Mass., was #5 in 1790, and remained in the top 10 until dropping off the chart in 1830.

"By 1930 Washington, DC was ranked #17, down from #5 in 1820. But the expansion of the federal government during the New Deal era and World War II propelled it up to #8 by 1970. It is the only metro area with a U-shaped curve, with a steady decline in rank followed by a steady rise."

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