Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed by Thomas Umstattd
Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed by Thomas Umstattd
The founder of PracticalCourtship.com finally listened to his World War II-generation grandmother, who had predicted the failure of courtship back in the '90s. Her parents' rule when she was a middle-schooler: "Don't go out with the same guy twice in a row."
"She explained that the lack of exclusivity helped them guard their hearts and kept things from getting too serious too quickly. The lack of exclusivity kept the interactions fun and casual. 'The guys wouldn't even want to kiss you!' she said."...
"The benefit of traditional dating is that the lack of exclusivity reduces temptation. It also helps young people find out who they are and who they are looking for faster. Early marriage reduces the number of years a young person must resist sexual temptation through celibacy."
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