Seven Steps to Learning a Song | Kristin Morris | LinkedIn

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Seven Steps to Learning a Song | Kristin Morris | LinkedIn

"In my years as a professional singer and voice teacher, I've nailed down, through trial and error, what I consider the most important formula for learning a song. I don't mean being able to say you're familiar with it; I mean truly know it and be confident you could pull it out and sing it years from now at the drop of a hat, even if you never memorized it...."

"LISTEN to the song, with your mouth shut.... PHONATE on pitch along with the demonstration.... RECITE the lyrics without thinking about the song, the melody, phrasing or any other aspect of the music.... COMBINE lyrics with music; here's the bulk of your practice, and often is the place people start when they want to learn a song.... SING A CAPELLA!... ACCOMPANY ONLY now, no other help!... PERFORM it!"


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