Ex-Gay Songwriter Believes You May Be Born Gay, but It Doesn't Matter -- Charisma News

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Ex-Gay Songwriter Believes You May Be Born Gay, but It Doesn't Matter -- Charisma News

"'I never thought I'd be attracted to a woman, but everything changed because I changed the way I thought and put off thoughts until I didn't think them anymore,' Jernigan says.

"It's renewing of the mind described in Romans 12 the church should consider as they approach the sensitive topic.

"'I have a Christ-centered worldview, everything I believe comes from that point,' Jernigan says. 'Find out who your Creator says you are, not who you feel you are. If we don't think the way God designed us to think, we're going to latch onto something. What we put into our minds is what we put out. I agree with that, I am brainwashed, you need to be transformed by renewing of your mind.'...

"'God has been setting people free from identity issues for thousands of years,' Jernigan says."

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