If Evangelical Voters Take Their Religion Seriously, Ted Cruz Will Be The Republican Nominee | PJ Media

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If Evangelical Voters Take Their Religion Seriously, Ted Cruz Will Be The Republican Nominee | PJ Media

Breaking down Jethro's leadership advice to Moses in Exodus 18:21: "Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, ruler of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens."

"These points are all well-taken and, obviously, Bible-based. And they all point in the direction of only one candidate: Ted Cruz. He's highly intelligent and healthy. He's also a man who fears God: he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was eight years old and he has taken his faith seriously ever since. He is a staunch defender of the freedom of religion, has dedicated his life to the principles put forth in the Constitution, and always defends the free-enterprise system, even when doing so may result in him losing votes. See his criticism of ethanol subsidies for instance, which may very well cost him dearly in Iowa.

"Of course, that brings us to the third Biblical qualification for a leader: he (or she!) has to be a man (or woman) of truth. His critics can say that Cruz is stubborn, uncompromising and extremely conservative, but they can't accuse him of being dishonest. He promised Texas voters that he'd take a stand against the establishment and the Obama administration if they'd send him to Washington, and he's done so.

"With regards to coveting power, Cruz could quickly have become one of the most powerful politicians in D.C. by simply playing along with the establishment, like Marco Rubio did on amnesty. Instead, Cruz has always defended his principles, even when doing so meant he stood alone -- or only with one or two allies like Senators Mike Lee and Jeff Sessions."


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