WALSH: The Most Effective Way To Destroy Your Husband, Ruin Your Marriage, And Encourage Infidelity | Daily Wire

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WALSH: The Most Effective Way To Destroy Your Husband, Ruin Your Marriage, And Encourage Infidelity | Daily Wire

"A wife who belittles her husband, cuts him down, nitpicks him relentlessly, holds her affection -- both physical and emotional -- as a ransom, nags him endlessly, criticizes him constantly, humiliates him in public and to her friends and in front of the children, and will not allow him to take a leadership position in the home, cannot be terribly surprised when he begins to withdraw. And if he cheats -- which would be a great and indefensible evil, no matter how cold and domineering his wife may be -- it cannot be said that he was the first. She cheated him; she lied to him, by promising to respect him and treat him like a man, only to turn around and treat him like a child....

"Sadly, the average man in America is not always given this advantage. He enters marriage and finds himself immediately in a hole. He must prove his worth if he wants to be treated like he has any. His wife paints a line on the floor and expects him to walk it perfectly. But he will inevitably stumble, as all men (and women) do, and his wife will chastise him and use his mistake as blackmail against him.

"A man in this situation is called nonetheless to endure, to fight for his family, and never to be unfaithful to his wife or leave her. But if he does wander, it should be noted that he is not the only traitor in the marriage. She betrayed him. She promised him a wife and instead gave him a stepmother. The two have now betrayed each other, each in their own way."



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