The People's Cube: Blocked By the Department of Defense | Frontpage Mag

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The People's Cube: Blocked By the Department of Defense | Frontpage Mag

The People's Cube founder Oleg Atbashian writes:

"Our reader, who is a U.S. Army officer, has sent us the screenshot below showing that The People's Cube has been blocked by the DoD Enterprise-Level Protection System due to 'hate and racism' - a blatantly false label applied by someone on the government payroll, whose salary comes out of our taxes.

"When I lived in the Soviet Union, my speech was expected to be blocked as politically unreliable and not aligned with the government's collectivist, socialist agenda. Such was the default setting and there was nothing I could do about it. At the time I assumed that if I were to move to the United States, I'd be free to speak without censorship. Imagine my surprise when I found that many in this country, including on the government level, were motivated by the same collectivist, socialist agenda I had escaped from.

"Dismayed at the sight of this happening in a free country, I began to satirize the left's absurd and crooked schemes again, this time in English, and launched the People's Cube. This site has become an outlet not just for me, but for thousands of like-minded Americans and contributors from around the world, who opposed socialism and collectivism in general.

"Shortly after the Cube was launched, the 'open-minded' proponents of socialism began to use misrepresentations and lies in order to block our content. ..."

The People's Cube was an online outgrowth of the Communists for Kerry satirical demonstrations during the 2004 presidential election.

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