Dear Conservative Parents: Stop Raising Politicians and Pundits

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Kira Davis at RedState: Dear Conservative Parents: Stop Raising Politicians and Pundits

Kira Davis says our country needs more conservative techies and fewer Tomi Lahrens. She points to the dominance of leftists in the social media industry (and their censorship of conservative ideas, like YouTube's ban of PragerU videos, or Facebook's tagging of obvious satire as "fake news." As a card-carrying techie (MIT graduate, over 30 years as a software engineer), I found this very interesting, and I'm going to mull it over. I think a more important credential than technical skills is risk-taking, entrepreneurial spirit. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates weren't particularly brilliant engineers, but they saw a market and an opportunity and were able to harness the talents of others to build something that consumers wanted. I'll agree that we don't need more Tomi Lahrens, but we do need more pundits and politicians who are classically educated, are well-grounded in Christian principles, thoughtful, and articulate.



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