Pastor Dr Jordan Peterson? - Australian Christian Lobby

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Pastor Dr Jordan Peterson? - Australian Christian Lobby

"The young men in this room have been raised on a diet of video games, porn, and binge-watched television series'. Many of them are fatherless. Their postmodern education has given them nothing firm upon which to stand in order to understand the world. They hear that their masculinity is toxic, their deep desires to protect and provide are wrong or evil, they are rapists-in-waiting, and they need to get out of the way of the women in their lives.

"They have been left with no idea how to deal with themselves on almost every level.

"Now here is a man - a father figure - who literally tells them to clean their room, stand straight with their shoulders back, 'lift heavy rocks' (take responsibility), be brave, change the world, get married, be good fathers and husbands, seek truth...

"They've never heard anything like it. And they love it....

"There is a hungry, needy, confused generation growing up in Australia. The Dr Jordan Petersons of this world are feeding them something, but I can't help thinking: why not the church?

"If it is a message of truth and meaning we crave, then this increasingly unknown God, revealed in the pages of scripture, is the answer because He is true, and He has given all things their meaning."


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