- Touring the Bible at the British Museum - Touring the Bible at the British Museum
"I recently visited the museum with a youth camp group. Before our expedition to London, we spent some time learning about the key artifacts of biblical significance displayed in the museum. While there are many, we short-listed some of the very best. Be it mentioning specific biblical names and/or events, these impressive artifacts are a testament to the veracity of the Bible. Below is a short description of each artifact with biblical relevance that is housed at the British Museum, ordered according to their parallel chronology in the Bible story. The campers took a similar printout of this list with them around the museum--hopefully this article is helpful, especially to any of our readers who may visit the British Museum in the future. And even for those who may not have the chance to visit, this article will at least help animate the life and times of the Bible, illustrating its pages and directly proving its veracity."
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