Why is hybrid sleep off by default on laptops? (and how do I turn it on?) - The Old New Thing

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Why is hybrid sleep off by default on laptops? (and how do I turn it on?) - The Old New Thing

Informative article on the new-ish hybrid sleep option in Windows 10 for suspending work on your computer, and why traditional sleep might be a better choice for your laptop. Good explanation of the powercfg command -- what it can tell you about your system and the fine control it can give you over your power options. For example "powercfg -a" tells you which sleep states are available, and which are not, and, most helpfully, which component is preventing that sleep state's availability. That command revealed to me that I needed a graphics driver update in order to regain traditional sleep -- stopping the hard drive and using just enough power to keep RAM alive, allowing a quick resumption on demand.


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