Bright Megaphone | Urban Omnibus

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Bright Megaphone | Urban Omnibus

Message dissemination via large-scale projection

"This sort of cat-and-mouse game with the authorities comes with the terrain of guerrilla projection. Our strategy for dealing with it is relatively straightforward. Never ask for permission beforehand, and stop when a police officer asks you to stop. There isn't much to be gained by getting into an argument with an officer over operative legal statutes.

"The most important piece of advice we would give to others trying to do this is to make sure to get the most critical content up and on the building as fast as possible, with a photographer in position to get the shot. Even in the diciest of situations you can usually get 30 seconds to a minute. If you're really prepared and have a plan, that 30 seconds is all that you'll need to capture the image you want."



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