Michael Behe's Darwin Devolves Topples Foundational Claim of Evolutionary Theory | Evolution News

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Michael Behe's Darwin Devolves Topples Foundational Claim of Evolutionary Theory | Evolution News

Brian Miller reviews Michael Behe's latest book: "The evidence commonly cited to argue for evolution's ability to drive large-scale transformations is almost always circular. Biologists regularly identify similarities and differences between two groups and then assume those differences are the result of natural selection, mutations, and related processes. However, this conclusion is not based on any actual hard evidence. It is simply assumed. As Behe demonstrates, all empirical data point to the conclusion that evolution is only capable of producing minor alterations of existing designs but nothing truly novel. Evolutionists must now to an even greater extent disconnect their grand narratives from empirical data and confine them to the realm of their unrestrained imaginations. Anyone interested in knowing the truth about the design/evolution debate will find Darwin Devolves a must read."


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