Dems Seek To Ban Christianity Using So-Called Anti-Discrimination Laws

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Dems Seek To Ban Christianity Using So-Called Anti-Discrimination Laws

Bills filed in the Texas legislature would require conformity with the fantasies of the Left under threat of fines and imprisonment. As we've seen in Oklahoma's major cities, you can't assume that Republican elected officials will support religious liberty.

"'Ban the Bible' doesn't have to mean confiscating physical Bibles. LGBT activists aren't that obvious with their intentions (yet). But it does mean something even worse: stripping Texans of their right to practice biblical teachings in their day to day lives.

"These bills would create new government power and protections that ban the free expression of biblically grounded beliefs, especially teaching on marriage and sexuality. Numerous bills seek to force people of faith to conform to others' personal and political activities, while setting aside their own sincerely held religious beliefs. Those who do not comply will face fines, possible jail time, or other criminal charges."


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