Historic Route 66 - What motel/hotel is right for me?

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Historic Route 66 - What motel/hotel is right for me?

From one of the first Route 66 websites, some useful guidelines for avoiding lodging disasters on the Mother Road.

"We all have different needs and expectations when it comes to our overnight stay while on Route 66.

"Some will never want to part with the predictability of their favorite motel chain that gives them comfort in knowing exactly what they will get.

"Others will see those same places as a horror of duplicated properties they cannot differentiate and won't be able to tell where they are when they wake up in the morning. Some prefer the business model of a mom-and-pop place where the profits stay in the local economy while they see franchised locations as a drain on the local economy.

"So, with these differing preferences in mind, where do you stay and when in doubt how do you find out if a given motel is the right one for you."


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