Prepare For an Onslaught of Woke Scolds |

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Prepare For an Onslaught of Woke Scolds |

2019 will be the year of the Performatively Woke Scold, writes Chris Beck: "PWS types love the concept of white privilege for obvious reasons--it widens the scope of their wokesplaining. When they can't find actual misdeeds to pounce upon, they remain active by going after people with a particular DNA.... These scolds--miserable busybodies--are like your old upstairs neighbor who'd go to the landlord if you were playing music after nine p.m. They're a sign of the current era's moral panic. Their power's disproportionate to their numbers. They skew young, and like the power upbraiding others gives them. Their success is made possible by the risk-averse nature of corporate America and college presidents. Until those in power wake up, they'll continue to terrorize people."


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