Al Mohler's Incomplete Apology: My Story - Janet Mefferd Today
Al Mohler's Incomplete Apology: My Story - Janet Mefferd Today
What in the world happened to Al Mohler?
"Dr. Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, apologized in the Houston Chronicle yesterday for his longtime support of a man the paper described as 'helping conceal sexual abuses at his former church' and 'for making a joke that (Mohler) said downplayed the severity of the allegations.'...
"I began covering the Sovereign Grace Ministries scandal in 2012, on my previous nationally syndicated Christian radio show. As I dug more deeply into sexual-abuse victims' accusations in a class-action lawsuit, spoke with some of those affected and began to conduct interviews to glean more information, I stated that the SGM scandal was American evangelicalism's biggest sex scandal to date.....
"In 2013, several months after I had been covering the SGM scandal, I was blindsided by two executives from my former radio network's corporate headquarters on an extended conference call.
"They told me that they had received a call from 'Al Mohler's office' that expressed 'concerns' over my radio interviews with [former SGM pastor and whistleblower Lee] Detwiler, who had weighed in on the class-action lawsuit filed against Mahaney and others. They communicated to me that Mohler's office did not believe Detwiler was a good guest choice.
"Knowing that Mohler served on our company's editorial board, I said, '"Mohler's office" didn't call you. You mean Al Mohler called you.'
"Neither executive denied it."
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