Growing Up Fundamentalist, Part One: Salvation and Baptism | Religious Affections Ministries: Conservative Christianity, Worship, Culture, Aesthetics, Classical Education, Homeschooling, Family

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Growing Up Fundamentalist, Part One: Salvation and Baptism | Religious Affections Ministries

A heartwarming testimony from Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary.

"Later in the week the Baptist preacher stopped by our home to visit. My father was at work, but the pastor led my mother to the Lord. Though it was probably the first time she had ever heard the gospel, she understood that she was a sinner who needed to be saved. She believed that Jesus had died and risen again to save her. That day she became a child of God.

"When my father learned what had happened, he was dumbfounded. He had an aunt who claimed to be saved, and (as he later put it) everybody thought that she was a religious nut. What could it mean that his wife was now saved? He determined to find out, and the sooner the better. The next service of the church was supposed to be a prayer meeting on Wednesday night, so he took my mother on a fact-finding expedition...."


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