Folau case puts religious debate in danger, says bishop
Folau case puts religious debate in danger, says bishop -- The Australian
"'If a rugby player can be sacked by doing nothing more than posting on his social media page what is essentially a summary of the Bible then it's a signal to the rest of us that we better keep our mouths shut,' Anglican Bishop Michael Stead, who leads the south Sydney diocese, told The Australian yesterday.
"The Sydney Catholic Archdiocese was also critical of RA's decision to terminate [Israel] Folau's contract, accusing the sport's governing body of bowing to pressure from corporate sponsors to adopt certain positions on social issues.
"'It not only highlights the influence a major corporate sponsor can have on the decisions of sporting codes, but shows the pressure on businesses to take social and moral positions unrelated to their core business,' said Monica Doumit, director of public affairs at the Archdiocese of Sydney.
"Former Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Keysar Trad said the Folau matter showed Australia has 'lost the art of respectful debate'.
"'They've kicked Folau off the rugby team and stopped him from doing something he loves based on something that has nothing to do with his professional ability,' Mr Trad said.
"'It was always known he was a religious person. Are they asking him to rip out the pages of the Bible they believe aren't politically correct just so he can continue to play the sport?'"
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