Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company
Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company
E. Forrest Christian writes:
"I recently sat through a meeting where the discussants, all intelligent people who care deeply about the work under discussion, argued deeply and long without much actually happening. You've been in these, too, and you've also been frustrated by how people don't understand when you start talking about what we need to do.... People talk past each other about work because they are have fundamentally different modes of decision-making. People simply talk about action differently.... Jimmy Algie did some of the groundwork, which he and Warren [Kinston] then developed further into 7 different modes of decision making. Each one thinks that its way of getting to action is the best. It may accept a couple of the others, but everyone I've ever met thinks that at least a couple of the others are complete fools wasting everyone's time. You can reduce that a good deal by learning each of the seven."
There follows a brief description of each decision language and pointers to more in-depth information.
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